Generally considered to include the most intelligent of all invertebrate species, some cephalopods are masters of disguise, while others are the stuff of maritime legend.
Marine Species
While searching for our critters, I felt myself go into full hunter-gatherer mode, which injected what I can only describe as pure, determined focus straight into my blood stream.
Red tides occur globally every year, and are the result of the explosive growth and accumulation of certain microscopic algae species, or dinoflagellates.
The next time you dive along a tropical coral reef, slow down and carefully scan the inside of a sponge, the pinkish stem of a soft coral, or the crevices in-between the fingers of a hard-coral for tiny, fast-moving fish.
There is something deeply moving about being in the presence of whales, something that goes beyond amazement at their sheer size.
It’s been a good year for shark and ray conservation, and the latest victory in the fight was realized on November 9th through the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals.
The more you chase after knowledge when it comes to diving, the more rewarding, memorable and fulfilling your time underwater will be.
Respecting the ocean is a huge part of being a responsible diver, as is the understanding that we are privileged visitors to the underwater world and should conduct ourselves accordingly.
In their journey for survival, these creatures of the sea can venture deep down underwater to incredible depths. Can you guess the animal in first place?
Both the mother and calf passed by us at a distance of only a few feet, and we all floated at the surface in amazement as the pair swam by unfazed, continuing on through the shallow water as if we weren’t even there.
See the sea alongside seven species of sea turtles at these tropical dive destinations. Have you had an amazing turtle diving experience? Share it with us.
Here are some fascinating facts about the many species of whales that populate our oceans.
This first foray into using UAVs for orca research has shown the value of remote aerial observation when it comes to marine biology. As well as being able to determine the orcas’ condition, the research team gained rare insight into the private lives of the orca pods.
For those very few animals spared for captivity — a life sentence without the option of parole — their fate is uncertain. For every one dolphin alive in captivity, there are 10 dead dolphins that were unable to acclimate to a life of imprisonment.
Although Salt Cay is rich in history, it doesn’t boast the same tourism industry as Provo, or even Grand Turk. But it is well known for one thing in particular: humpback whales.
With another Shark Week come and gone, you may be feeling rather inundated with shark facts — and almost certainly with quite a bit of shark fiction.
With over 40 species of dolphins found worldwide, you could sight a pod anywhere, at any time on a dive trip. But at the spots listed below, dolphin sightings and interactions are even more common, giving divers a higher chance of encountering everyone’s favorite playful ocean critter. Here are the world’s best places to dive with dolphins.
It’s experiences like these that will change the world’s opinion of this species, which is why I challenge even those afraid of sharks to take this small step into their realm.