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Dog Finds a Baby Dolphin

A stranded baby dolphin was spotted by an observant dog and then rescued by the dog's caretaker. A heartwarming story!

Recently in Wales, a local guy and his dog happened across a beached baby dolphin.  The dog alerted the man, who then guided the dolphin back into the deeper water.  He said  he waited a bit to make sure it didn’t beach itself a second time.  The baby dolphin is lucky the dog found it when she did!  And doubly lucky that the gentleman had the compassion to nudge it back into the deeper water.  

The words of the man behind the camera:

Whilst attempting Bass fishing on a beach near Criccieth (close to the mouth of the River Dwyfor) I was taking photos of the fantastic scenery when I heard my dog barking at me from further down the beach….clearly she had found something!

Managed to gently lift and guide this beached baby dolphin / juvenile harbour porpoise back out to sea.

Stayed at the site for while after to make sure he didn’t come back. Spoke to the coastguard once I had signal and they reported it to the science team. Think the little guy was lucky as there was nobody around for miles!

And, if it wasn’t for my dog barking at me I would have missed him too!