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Divers Shocked by a Giant Sunfish

Check out this amazing footage of a GIGANTIC sunfish off the the coast of Portugal, swimming by some very lucky divers!

Giant Mola Mola Follows Divers

Rare footage captured this giant sunfish, also known as a mola mola, off the coast of Portugal. Photographer Miguel Pereira shot the film off the coast of Portugal. Viewers can see the huge creature checking out the divers as it swims past. The slow-moving fish and clear water allow for some spectacular close-ups of this amazing animal.

“A few days before, the underwater housing flooded and damaged my camera,” says Pereira. “The bad luck disappeared when diving I saw with the giant sunfish while diving with a GoPro, almost at surface level and practically static. Our presence did not bother it at all, and it followed us for 15 minutes.”