My first dive at one of the most famous dive locations on Okinawa- Maeda Point- was also my second non-class dive ever and I was the usual excited and nervous!
Are you the type of diver that just follows your dive master around while diving? Have you ever thought about learning to navigate?
I’ll never forget my first memory of the ocean, it was around my 25th birthday and I had just moved to Virginia.
I know I can’t speak for everybody; but I know that at any given point, I can’t quickly afford to replace or repair the important parts of my scuba kit.
Tropical water — it’s what most people immediately associate with scuba diving. The warm water, fantastic marine life, and picturesque…
Last time around we covered exposure protection, this time around I’ll be covering buoyancy control devices, regulators and computers.
Getting geared up for cold water diving is something I do on a regular basis.
Thanks to Russell Clark for writing this very handy post on Scuba Diving Apps for the iPad!
Decompression Sickness (DCS) or the bends, as it’s commonly known, is caused by a build up of nitrogen bubbles in the body.
The buoyancy compensation devices (BCD), are the devices that give a scuba diver control with their buoyancy during a scuba dive.
Recently there was a design competition for a marine research center in Bali, Indonesia. There were a few companies that pitched.
If you want your wetsuit to last as long as possible, a bit of proper wetsuit care is all you need.
There are roughly 500,000 US Navy military personnel deployed all over the world in elite task forces and laborious jobs on and in the water.
Diving is a sport that involves a great deal of responsibility and the ability to have complete control over your mind and body.
There are many views on diving certifications; I don’t want to get into a controversial discussion about which agencies do what right or wrong.
Here’s a wedding idea that gives a whole new meaning to “taking the plunge.”
First off, I would like to give you a short introduction to who I am, so that you’re not saying “Who’s this guy think he is, and why should I listen to him?”