Regardless of which side of the ethical debate you fall on, it is certain that these marine-mammal programs highlight just how remarkable these animals really are.
Marine Species
All fish, whether they live in salt water or fresh water, must maintain a certain level of salinity in their bloodstream to survive. Most are restricted to one environment because they cannot change the way they regulate this salinity, but some species spend periods of their life in both environments.
Australia’s considerable geographic isolation has allowed evolution to take different paths here than in other parts of the world.
Migrations occur throughout the animal kingdom, from insects to birds, from fish to whales. Some animals travel for food, some for shelter, and some for mating or to give birth. Here we’ll take a look at some of the world’s lengthiest marine migrations, undertaken by some of the planet’s largest animals.
Although as divers we spend much of our time on warm, tropical reefs, the ocean’s chilly depths are home to lots of interesting creatures as well, as are the Arctic and Antarctic landscapes. Here are 10 species that have adapted well to the extreme cold of our planet’s furthest reaches.
While filming our new documentary series Bahama Blue, we were lucky enough to get up close and personal with this true pelagic species.
This article takes a look at five of myths in an effort to separate fact from fiction.
Cute animals rule the Internet — google “cat videos” and lose a full day of work. As divers, we share our environment with many cute critters as well, which deserve their rightful place in Internet searches for cute animals. Here we bring you eight that we think are more adorable than any lolcat out there.
There are far too many species to go over all of them, but here are some of the more common and popular to aid you in identifying the next ray you see.
Once upon a time, whales were perceived as monsters from the deep, as evidenced by their portrayal in literature from the Bible to Moby Dick.
Since biochemical warfare seems so promising for land wars, scientists developed an unlikely new strategy — fighting COTS with cows.
Hop into any ocean and you’ll find at least one species of sideways-skittering, periscope-eyed, claw-drumming crab. Let’s learn a little more about these globe-trotters.
It’s hard to stay warm when you’re surrounded by cold water, but the opah has figured it out.
These are magnificent apex predators that can only ever reach their full potential if allowed to remain where they truly belong — in the wild.
Long before humans hopped onto airplanes to explore the far reaches of our planet, large rays and sharks were traveling between continents.
The sheer scale of Canada’s seal hunt triggers global outrage every year, and yet few people know that seal slaughters happen elsewhere, too, albeit on a much smaller scale.
Large, efficient hunters, great white sharks are still quite a mystery to us. Here are a few interesting tidbits we’ve learned over the years.
While not an exhaustive list, it may help you to identify some of the hard corals you see on your next dive.