Kimbe Bay, on the north coast of New Britain, is famous for its marine biodiversity. Conservation in Kimbe Bay is key to preserving this underwater wonderland.
A new Netflix documentary, Chasing Coral, vividly and clearly explains what we stand to lose — and have lost already — when it comes to the world’s coral reefs.
Inventor Boyan Slat made a splash when he introduced his Ocean Cleanup Array. Plans to launch a test unit were pushed from 2016 to the end of this year off the American west coast.
National marine sanctuaries protect some of the most spectacular ocean and Great Lakes resources in the United States, including the shipwrecks of Thunder Bay.
Fourth Element introduces OceanPositive 2017 swimwear collection, made from recycled ghost fishing nets.
Meet the shark activist who draws “Oh, Dakuwaqa!,” a series of cartoons that’s delighting scuba divers and scientists while helping change people’s misconceptions about sharks.
Most of us have heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch in the North Pacific. Now, a second, Texas-sized patch has been found in the South Pacific.
The world’s reefs are changing fast. Divers can help ensure that reefs are around for future generations with courses like the Reef Check EcoDiver program.
Scuba Junkie, with shops in Malaysia and Indonesia, takes conservation seriously with Green Fins. Here’s how.
Once you stop looking at the reef as mere backdrop, each dive becomes more exciting. Knowing some basic Caribbean coral identification will enrich every dive.
A new agreement between sister sanctuaries in Massachusetts and the Dutch Lesser Antilles strives to protect endangered humpback whales.
National marine sanctuaries protect some of the most spectacular ocean and Great Lakes resources in the United States, including shipwrecks like the Pomona.
Ghost nets are the ocean’s silent killers. Artist Christine Ren sought to showcase this deadly threat through video and creative imagery.
Capitol Hill Ocean Week took place in June. What happened, and were divers’ interests well represented?
While they currently protect only 3 percent of the world’s oceans, marine reserves are nonetheless vital when it comes to ocean health. Here are our picks for the top five.
Local divers and ocean lovers in Melbourne, Australia have started a campaign in Port Phillip Bay to put a stop to illegal ray mutilation and slaughter.
Our oceans are in more trouble than ever before. In honor of World Oceans Day on June 8, we’ve compiled a list of eight ways you can help.
Citizen science, or community science, has gained popularity in recent years. Ocean Sanctuaries, based in San Diego, offers a few projects for interested divers.