All scuba divers speak a common language and have a passion that plays an overwhelming role in their lives.
When we talk about climate change we often think about the atmosphere, the warmest decade on record, increased floods and…
To some, June 9 may seem just like any other ordinary day.
With every season that passes, our enticing coral reefs are suffering from an abundance of carbon dioxide and threats from warmer waters.
Some may think that touching a reef is harmless; others may not even understand that coral is a living creature and a single touch can have terrible consequences.
When we take a trip to the beach or head out to enjoy the sea, we think very little about what goes on beneath the waves.
Sea turtles are amazing creatures…
As an experienced dive instructor, Mexican resident and partner in a dive operation I believe that seeing bull sharks underwater is one of the greatest sights and thrills you can experience.
My name is Natt Jaitrong and I’m a 13-year-old diver from Thailand. Over the last year, I have visited several countries and experienced diving in different seas.
Every year, South Florida’s astonishing coral reefs draw eager divers and fishing enthusiasts to the region by the millions, injecting $483 million into the U.S. economy and providing thousands of jobs for South Florida residents.
Can you believe that we kill over 70 million sharks a year? Have you ever thought about how that is going to change our oceans?
We have looked at the general information regarding the oceans and seas of the world.
One thing I would like to mention before we get started is how amazed I am about the consequences that we, as the Human Race, have been able to inflict on the world’s oceans. I
I’d like to start off by saying I am grateful to be able to be a guest blogger on Scuba Diver Life!
If you have ever been to a zoo, you have seen one or more signs conspicuously displayed that say “DON’T FEED THE ANIMALS.”
The Maltese Islands are famous for their crystal waters, warm temperatures and their enchanting wrecks but optimism has reached its highest level in years, thanks to one unfamiliar happening this week.
“Ever since Steven Spielberg unleashed Jaws onto the world back in 1975 Sharks have had a really bad press.