The discoveries made at Aquarius have opened our eyes to how little we really know about the vast complexity of the ocean.
Nadia Aly
SeaLife, a leader in underwater photographic equipment, has announced the introduction of its new Fisheye Wide Angle Lens, the company’s widest angle and most advanced external lens to date.
“Ever since Steven Spielberg unleashed Jaws onto the world back in 1975 Sharks have had a really bad press.
(June 17, 2012) — SeaLife, a leader in underwater photographic equipment, announced today that it will launch a new DC1400 Limited Edition Pink camera in September.
This is the 14th of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
This is the 13th of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
Today I stumbled upon this infograph, outlining threats to our Oceans. What are your thoughts? How do you help conserve our ocean?
The world’s top female underwater explorer Jill Heinerth is launching a campaign to reconnect people to their most precious commodity – water.
This is the 12th of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
This is the 11th of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
This video showcases why our oceans are so important. It was put together by National Geographic, and highlights
some strong points.
This is the 10th of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
This is the ninth of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
Frogfish are found in nearly all tropical and subtropical oceans over the world.
This is the eighth of our scuba cartoon series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
Alert Diver Magazine, has just released a new scuba iPhone application for their publications. Currently they release four issues a…
This is the seventh of our scuba cartoons series by Jerry King. Let us know what you think and submit your own if you have any! Don’t forget to share with your diver friends!
Recently, on November 16, 2011, there was a new law passed by Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission stating that it would be illegal from January 1, 2012 to harvest the tiger shark and the three species of hammerhead sharks in Florida.